Hi and thanks for accepting me in this German Forum
I only speak English, my German is very limited.
I need to know what Genera and species, are to live in Kenya, Zimbabwe or Mozambique area?
Also i would like to know if any are of size to cohabitate with Cordylus tropidosternum? Of thoes who are not able to use a defence system (kemicals/secretions) or some who are not 'bad' enough to make my Cordylus sick.
Some without the posibility to get very stressed from thies very day active Lizards, so some semi day/active or more nighty active Millipedes are very actractive to my Cordylus specie.
I was searching google, and only came to that A. gigas might be in that area.. But i had some aprox 8 years ago, and it seamed very un-successfull for my part of the hobby.
Every informations are good to know.
Danni Hansen,
Denmark (DK)