Very beautiful
How long your Archispirostreptus from Israel?
Hi Panka!
Theyre about 5-6 cm long now
Very beautiful
How long your Archispirostreptus from Israel?
Hi Panka!
Theyre about 5-6 cm long now
2 new species in my collection. Now I have 20
1. Paectophyllum escherichii from Turkey. Hope I can get offsprings from this group, beautiful animals.
2. Archispirostreptus syriacus (???) from Israel. They are young, so I'm not sure about id. Will see when they grow up.
Hello everyone!
As I said before, I have two different groups of similar millipedes.
1-2 photo: caudulanus
3: similar ones, a bit darker, legs more reddish
4-5: together.
Are they all S. caudulanus or not?
They looks like caudulanus I think.
I also have 2 different groups - like on your photos and I'm sure they're caudulanus; and other ones. I'll show photos in the evening
Please show us all of your species... and I love your cats
Thanks! These are my sister's cats) She has a cattery.
I hope I will be able to make new photos, but for now show the old ones)
With respect, Nick
Some photos:
Another 3 species. Telodeinopus assiensis - they are young and small, so there’s nothing to look at yet, but adults will be awesome
Ophistreptus also young but already 12-13 cm. And Tonkinbolus... not sure how many I have
I suffer with you, but in my case, its a matter of space, not money....
If i had more space I would probably drown in millipedes
Yeah, I'm almost run out of space. Now I take a look on my shelves with books, seems like I dont need it anymore
Here some of my Isopoda.
Unfortunately, now I do not have a very good camera, so I’m take pictures on my phone and it’s not easy to do with small isopods. Thats why some photo not good quality.
Species names on photos, other species I have not photographed yet
Let me know if you want to see someone else from my list.
wow, I dont even have 18 millipedes ,and you have 18 different species
I would really enjoy that many millipedes
Now i am exited for pictures
Well, I just can't stop thank god i don't have much money for this, otherwise...
And most of them are small species, not giant)) Thank you)
With respect, Nick
Photos 1-3: here is my precious Spirostreptus hamatus (?). Very beatiful species, in Russia pretty rare, I know only one other person who had their.
4-5: Xenobolus carnifex, love them
6: Spirobolus walkeri
7: Unidentified from Thailand. Size 26-28, my biggest millipede for now.
8: Unidentified from Indonesia - nothing especially, just a lot of little legs))
9-10: Unidentified from Dominicana. 3-4 cm, on the last photo in comparison with Anadenobolus monilicornis.
Hi everyone, another 2 years have passed
Now my collection consist of 18 species of millipedes:
1. Mardonius parilis acuticonus (Attems, 1914) - adults
2. Xenobolus carnifex (Fabricius, 1775) - large breeding group
3. Xenobolus carnifex red - morph of common Xenobolus, young group
4. Salpidobolus sp. Irian Jaya - unfortunately only one
5. Tonkinbolus caudulanus (Karsch, 1881) - I bought WC from Thailand and now have large group
6. Ephibolus pulchripes (Gerstäcker, 1873) - maybe 10-12 animals, young offsprings (parents are died after breeding)
7. Ophistreptus guineensis (Silvestri, 1897) - 3 youngs
8. Spirostreptus hamatus Demange, 1977 - ??? I'm not sure in id. If you know who they are, let me know please. I have young pair
9. Telodeinopus aoutii (Demange, 1971) - young animals
10. Tonkinbolus sp. Vietnam - one female with offspring
11. Anadenobolus monilicornis (Porat, 1876) - large group
12. Spirostreptus servatius Attems, 1914 - pre-adult pair
13. Telodeinopus assiensis (Attems, 1914) - young group
14. Archispirostreptus gigas (Peters, 1855) - 3 youngs female
15. Unidentified species from Dominicana - tiny red and black millipede, large group
16. Unidentified species from Indonesia - same thing
17. Unidentified species from Thailand - dont know his name, only one WC male((
18. Spirobolus walkeri Pocock, 1895 - WC from China, 2.2 group
Also I have started collect Isopoda, now I have 10 species (with morphs)
1. Trichorhina tomentosa (Budde-Lund, 1893) - common species in almost all my tanks
2. Cubaris sp. White Side Cambodia - real nice one
3. Porcellionides pruinosus Powder-Blue (Brandt, 1833)
4. Porcellio laevis "Orange" Latreille, 1804
5. Porcellio laevis "Dairy Cow" Latreille, 1804
6. Armadillidium vulgare Latreille, 1804
7.Armadillidium vulgare T-plus Albino Latreille, 1804
8. Armadillidium vulgare Magic Potion Latreille, 1804
9. Armadillidium maculatum Risso, 1816
10. Armadillo officinalis Dumeril, 1816
I'll show some photos in next post
With respect, Nick
Hi everyone!
Well, another 8 month gone, now I have:
1. Mardonius parilis acuticonus - juvenile group
2. Xenobolus carnifex - adult group
3. Telodeinopus aoutii - 1 female
4. Tonlinbolus caudulanus - adult group
5. Epibolus pulchripes - young group
6. Salpidobolus sp. Java - young group
7. Barydesmus sp. Borneo - adult pair and young male
Some photos
I hope summer will bring something new to my collection
With respect, Nick.
Hi Tham!
I study at the Faculty of Biology and in the summer I left for a 1,5 month at the field practice and after I back to my hometown for a 3 week. I did not want to leave the animals alone and cold not take them with me so I asked him to take them while I was gone. He has snakes and spiders, so he knows what they need. Also I certainly explained to him what and how to do. But when I arrived, I could not get them back for about a month, he always avoided meeting. When I got them back, I realized that he did nothing: no water, no food, dry ground, parts of dead millipedes
This is the type of people who can take responsibility, but can't carry it. Unfortunately, I didn't know this about him before.
With respect, Nick.
Hi everyone!
Well, 1.5 years have passed since the last report. During this time, much has happened, but the biggest event was the loss of the entire collection of millipedes. I left my animals to a terrarium-friend, who for a short time could destroy them. when I got them back (or what's left of them), I have only 2 females: Telodeinopus aoutii and undeterminated species from Vietnam.
So now I'm collecting again and now the collection is even smaller than it was 1.5 years ago)))
For now I have:
1. Mardonius parilis acuticonus - young group
2. Xenobolus carnifex - young group
3. Telodeinopus aoutii - 1 female
4. Tonlinbolus sp. Vietnam - 1 female
It's all, I think. For now
With respect, Nick
Hi everyone!
I again interested about two similar-looking species: Mardonius parilis parilis and Spirostreptus hamatus. Here on in the species-list they are different, on the photos from Internet - absolutely identical. is there a difference between them?
On pictures: first - MPP, second - Spirostreptus hamatus, by Teffi.
And sorry for my english)
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Hi Delia!
Oh, it's cool I saw your topic with beautiful animals (and very nice closet :D). It's interesting to see your new pets!
With respect, Nick
Hi everyone!
Some news from my terrariums on photos))
Last time I wrote that my Xenobolus carnifex already adults and I'm waiting for their children. But I could not think that they will appear so fast So on photos you can see some little babies. In actually now I have about 50 young animals, I think. Can't count them, they are very small - 5-6 millimeters.
And more one: new species in my sollection - Tonkinbolus caudulanus, WC from Thailand, 3 males and only one female They are young, the biggest male 7 cm. Bad photos, sorry, maybe later I do better.
With respect, Nick
Hi Delia!
Thank you for you comment.
Yes, I have. Telodeinopus aoutii on photo - they are have offsprings. Also my Xenobolus carnifex group already adult and I'm waiting now))
I got my first animals in 2012. Since I read this forum
With respect, Nick
Hi everyone from cold Russia)) and sorry for my english)
My name is Nick, I have a small collection of millipedes and I want just show it to you. If it will be interesting for someone I will continue write about it.
In Russia we have not so much species like in Europe yet but sometimes on sell appeares something interesting.
So at this moment I have 6 species.
1. Telodeinopus aoutii - common species in my country and my first millipedes.
2. Epibolus pulchripes - also common.
3. Pelmatojulus ligulatus - my young pair, male and female. WC from Ghana, I thing.
4. Xenobolus carnifex - from Sri Lanka. F1, adult animals 7-8 cm.
5. Tonkinbolus sp - it's undeterminated species from Vietnam. I think it's something on Tonkinbolus, but I can't id it. If you know who they are, please tell me)) Adult animals 8-9 cm, very strong smell and chemical protection.
6. Tonkinbolus dollfusi - asian rainbow millipedes. I have group of very young animals.
Before I had pair of Aphistogoniulus corallipes from Madagascar, group of Telodeinopus assiensis from Ghana, one Spirostreptus centrurus male from Indonesia. Now they are dead or live with new keepers.
It's all for now.
With respect, Nick
Hello, Phili!
Thank you for information!
With respect, Nik