New Texas Millipede Help

  • So, I have 3 millipedes in a good sized terrarium. (I got the millipedes 2 days ago). I have 2 Desert Millipedes and 1 Texas Millipede. There is 5 inches of substrate, as well as some lichen sticks and a water bowl. The Desert Millipedes are adapting well, burrowing and climbing, but the Texas Millipede is not. It uncurls sometimes, but not often. My friend has a Texan as well, but his is adapting fine. Help please!

    Thanks, Zack

  • Hello Zack,

    i know the answer come late and sry for my bad english. Are your milipedes still alive?
    Can you take some photos? The milipeden haven't to be ill if they show up inactivity.
    My milipedes show inactivities when they moult.

    greets, Xenen